RedStudios Application
Fill out an application to join RedStudios
Email *
What is your first name? *
What is your last name? *
What is your current age? *
Do you have a Discord account? If so please provide below. *
Do you have a twitter account? If so please provide a direct link.
Do you own a copy of Minecraft? If so please select what version of the game you play and all that apply.
How long have you been creating third party content for Minecraft? *
Have you ever tried to become a Partner before applying to RedStudios? *
If so, why are you looking to join RedStudios?
What position are you applying for? *
Have you ever used Block Bench?
Can you use Adobe Photoshop?
Show us some of your best portfolio (link). *
What do you consider your level of expertise? *
Tell us about yourself and what you think makes you unique and different compared to other creators.
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