AZ, MD, and WA Homeowners: Have You Dealt with Foreclosure?
As a part our continuing coverage of the housing crisis, ProPublica wants to hear from homeowners who have first-hand knowledge of foreclosure in Arizona, Maryland, and Washington state. A ProPublica reporter may need to interview you, so please be sure to leave your contact information below.
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Name *
Email Address *
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Zip Code
State *
Did you receive a notice of foreclosure between January 1, 2005 and December 31, 2008? *
Are you still living at the property?
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What was the result of the foreclosure proceeding?
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Is there anything else you want us to know about your situation?
I would like to be notified of other ways to contribute to ProPublica's coverage of the housing crisis. *
Thank you for your time. A reporter from ProPublica may follow up with you to get further details about your situation.
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