Any Ottawa Area Narcotics Anonymous Group can make a motion to the Ottawa Area Service Committee.
All that is required is that a Group fill out this form and have it "seconded" by another Group.
If your motion seeks changes to the Policies and Guidelines of the OASC it
must be presented at the Admin Steering meeting. If your motion does not change the Ps and Gs, it is
strongly recommended to bring your motion to the Admin Steering Committee meeting on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm via
Google Meets. Typically, the GSR would attend to answer any questions and present the motion. The purpose of this step is to clean up any language before bringing it to Area to discuss .
This form now counts as "emailing your motion to the Area Secretary" (as they will be notified of this new motion). If further information is required, the Secretary will reach out to you, or you can contact them at