Pitch Application -  Greenzine
Greenzine is a publishing and mentoring platform to support the next generation of climate advocates, leaders, and storytellers.

Established in September 2020 amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Greenzine is now a nonprofit organization that produces intersectional, interdisciplinary, and multimedia work by youth leaders, researchers, organizers and creatives. 

We share your vision of climate action, environmental justice and/or sustainability. 

Fill out all of the responses below, and if you have any questions then reach out to our team at info.greenzine@gmail.com 
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Email *
Full Name (First and Last) *
Country of Origin *
Choose a section for your submission. *
If none of these sections or ideas are relevant to you, what is your focus? *
What is your level of writing experience? 

(This helps us gauge the level of support each person needs!)

Beginner — Primarily published projects for classes/academic context.

Intermediate — Experience writing/publishing content in internships, student newspaper, or other platforms.

Advanced — Published on public outlets, authored books/journal articles.
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