Kudu 2021 interest form
The County Kudu is a overnight hike aimed at Explorer Scouts (aged 14-18) and Scout Network (aged 18-25). Teams of between 4 and 7 can enter the competition at either Bronze, Silver or Gold level - with the winners of the Gold level winning the Kudu Explorer or Network Trophy.

Date - Sat 27 overnight to Sun 28 November 2021

Times - arrival from 1715, teams leave 1800 - 2100 returning between 0100 and 0400. Hot drink/snack and breakfast will be provided. Award ceremony will be hold at 0900 before departing before 1000.

Location - Will be Lockerley, nr ROMSEY more information will be issued with joining instructions

Cost - £28 per team of 4 + £7 per additional member

Equipment - teams will need to come equipped for a night hike, kit list will be issued.

Full joining instructions will be provided two weeks before the event. Permission forms are to be brought and presented on arrival. Additional people can be paid for by cash or cheque on arrival at the event.


BRONZE - 6.5 miles - route planning & navigation help can be given - eligible for Bronze competition; certificate for each team & winners.

SILVER - 8 miles - eligible for Silver competition; certificate for each team & winners.

GOLD - 10+ miles, will be more bases and navigational challenge. Kudu Trophy awarded.

Queries: kudu@hampshirescouts.org.uk 
or Mike Baxter 07979 334679.
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District *
E.g. Blackwater Valley
Unit *
E.g. Phantoms Explorer Unit
Explorer/Network *
Contact Name *
Contact Email *
Contact phone *
Approx no of Bronze teams *
This can be a guess, teams to be confirmed and paid for early November
Approx no of Silver teams *
This can be a guess, teams to be confirmed and paid for early November
Approx no of Gold teams *
This can be a guess, teams to be confirmed and paid for early November
Could you help run a base? *
Do you have any ideas for your base?
This can be quite general at this stage eg taste challenge, first aid, bush craft, teamwork etc. We can give ideas if needed.
Leaders able to help (if known)
This is not a pre-requirement to taking part, although one adult per team would be appreciated.
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