Indiana FFA CDE/LDE Feedback
Please use the form to provide feedback to Indiana FFA Staff regarding the competitive events provided by the Indiana FFA Association. This feedback will be used to help improve competitive events for members in the future. 
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Name (Fist and Last) *
Email Address *
Contact Phone Number
What is your affiliation with the event? *
What FFA chapter or county 4-H program are you affiliated with? *
Date of Event *
At what level was the competition? *
Which type of competitive event? *
Which FFA only competitive event?
Which 4-H/FFA  competitive event?
Which LDE competitive event?
Please identify the concern below. *
Please give context to the situation or concern from the question above. Please provide as many details as possible to help state staff understand the concern.  *
Please provide a potential solution to the problem or concern. *
Would you be willing to meet with the contest committee for further discussion? *
Please provide any positive feedback you have from the competitive event.  *
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