Hint: Read and understand the whole sentence where the word appears. Replace the word with your answer and check if the meaning of the sentence is still the same.
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Example: Another word for ‘dense’ is shallow / full / thick.
Search the sentence in the story: Once upon a time, there were two very good friends who lived together inside a cave in a dense forest. General ideas: Normally, forests are dense or full with trees.
Try replace the word ‘dense’ with ‘shallow’: Once upon a time, there were two very good friends who lived together inside a cave in a shallow forest. (Malay: hutan yang cetek – incorrect because normally shallow is used for lake, river, pond, pool, and other body of water)
Try replace the word ‘dense’ with ‘full’: Once upon a time, there were two very good friends who lived together inside a cave in a full forest. (Malay: hutan yang penuh – incorrect because it seems incomplete – full with what? Penuh dengan apa?)
Try replace the word ‘dense’ with ‘thick’: Once upon a time, there were two very good friends who lived together inside a cave in a thick forest. (Malay: hutan yang tebal – correct because that also means a forest that is full with trees)
Choose the correct answer.
Another word for ‘trivial’ is.... *
1 балл
Another word for ‘persuade’ is.... *
1 балл
Another word for ‘dispute’ is.... *
1 балл
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