WAITING - LEAP Afterschool Registration > 2024-2025
Please complete the following WAITING LIST registration information for LEAP Youth Development Program After School Program.  Currently we are at FULL CAPACITY and no longer accepting additional students for the 2024-2025 school year.  By completing this form you will be added to our waiting list and as space becomes available we will be in contact. The message below explains the registration process once a space in available.  

If you have any further questions please contact us at leapyouthdevelopment@gmail.com 

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Please complete the following registration information for LEAP Afterschool Registration.  This is the first step in securing your registration for the 2024-2025 LEAP Afterschool Program. LEAP uses Kangarootime as our childcare management system for account management as well as invoicing. The $75 NON-REFUNDABLE registration fee MUST be paid before your child will be fully enrolled in the program. Once this form is completed and submitted you are responsible for the non-refundable registration fee.

Please read below for information on your next steps.

The non-refundable $75 Registration Fee for LEAP Afterschool will be posted to your Kangarootime Account on the following week's invoice.  Your space IS NOT secured until the registration fee is paid.   Registration fees not paid within one week of being posted will forfeit your space

Your information will be entered into our childcare management system, Kangarootime and the non-refundable $75 registration fee will be posted to your account for payment within 3-5 business days.  You will receive an email with prompts to finish setting up your Kangarootime account.  Please complete all information thoroughly including emergency contact information and allergies.  All payments and daily check-out requests will be done through Kangarootime.  You must complete your Kangarootime account setup and pay the registration fee before your child will be fully enrolled for LEAP Afterschool.  Registration fees not paid within one week of being posted will forfeit your space

*** 2024-2025 TUITION INFORMATION ***
$55 - Weekly Tuition.  Due the Friday BEFORE service.  

*** NOTE ***  please be aware that autodraft for tuition payments is required for LEAP Afterschool tuition. Tuition is due each week regardless of attendance. There are no partial weeks.  

If you have any questions please email us at leapyouthdevelopment@gmail.com

We look forward to serving your family! 

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School your child will attend for 2024-2025 *
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Are you a RETURNING LEAP family? *
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