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Q1. What gender do you most closely identify with?


Q2. How old are you? 


Q2b. Which of the following best describes the area you live in? 


Q2b. Which city / town and state do you live in? 


Q3. What is your current employment status?


Q3b. What do you do for work / what are you currently studying?


Q3c. What do you do in your free time?  Please use at least two sentences.


Q3d. Have you ever worked in the following occupations, paid or unpaid?

Q4.  Which of the following bands fits your total annual household income?  


Q5. What is the highest or current level of education you are completing/have completed?

Q6. For our research, it is important that we talk to a broad mix of people. How would you describe your race/ethnicity/cultural background?
Q8. Which of the following devices do you use or have access to?
Q9. Which of the following do you engage with for fun?

Q9b. Which of the following, if any, best describes your relationship with music?


Q10. Which of the following plans do you currently use to listen to music?

Q10b.  Which platform/s do you currently use for your free plan?
Q10c. If you mentioned Spotify, which of the following best describes how you currently feel about upgrading your Spotify FREE plan?

Q10d. If applicable, can you tell us your reasons for your previous answer - why would you upgrade or consider upgrading to a paid Spotify plan? (Enter NA if this does not apply to you)


Q10e. Who would be responsible for paying for your paid Spotify plan if you were to upgrade?


Q10f. How long have you been a Spotify Free user?


Q11.Which platform/s do you use for your paid music streaming plan? Select all that apply.


Q11b. If you have a paid Spotify account, which Spotify Premium plan are you on? 


Q11c. Who is responsible for paying for your Spotify Premium plan?


Q11e. Which of the following best describes how you currently feel about changing your Spotify Premium plan? Select one.


Q11f. Which of the following describes why you would consider changing to Spotify Free / canceling your Premium plan?

Q11g. If applicable, can you tell us more about your reasons for your previous answer - why would you change or consider changing to Spotify Free or canceling your account? (Enter N/A if this does not apply to you)


Q12. If you have other PAID PLATFORMS OTHER THAN SPOTIFY, who is responsible for paying for your paid music plan?


Q12b. Which of the following best describes how you currently feel about using or switching to another audio streaming platform? Select all that apply


Q12c. Which of the following platforms would you consider using on a paid plan? Select all that apply.


Q12d. If you metioned that you would consider switching to a PAID SPOTIFY account, can you tell us your reasons for your previous answer - why would you use or consider switching to a Spotify paid plan? (Enter N/A if this does not apply to you)


Q13. In a typical week, how much time do you spend listening to music? 


Q13b. Which of the following best describes your use of podcasts?


Q13c. Which of the following best describes your use of audiobooks?



Q14. What platform or feature helps you most in your music listening and why? (Detailed responses here will be considered first for this study.)

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