Facility Use Form for EXTERNAL Usage
Upon completion of this form, you will receive a confirmation email to the first email address.  When complete and approved, you will receive an email confirming the date.

Any group, organization or association may use the facilities of the Bradford Exempted Village School District only upon the written agreement of the Superintendent of Schools who shall be the authorized representative of the Board of Education.  The exercise of such authority by the Superintendent shall be compatible with the written policies of the Board of Education, as well as the statues of the State of Ohio.
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Email *
Additional Email Address (optional)
Name of Organization Making this Request *
Name of representative *
Address of representative *
Cell Phone Number *
Work Phone Number *
What is the activity to be held at Bradford EVSD *
Date of use *
Additional Dates for Repeated Events (this school year)
Start Time of Event(s) *
Ending Time of Event(s) *
Time requesting to be admitted to facility
Time requesting to exit the facility *
Total Hours of Facility Needs *
Facilities Needed: (check all that apply) *
Services Requested (check all that apply) *
Additional Comments or Information
I agree to the following conditions:   *
I am aware of the added responsibilities in using Bradford facilities because of Covid-19. I will supply all my own equipment. I will make sure all who are using the facilities have sanitized, and are in good health. I understand that Bradford is not liable should any health concerns related to Covid-19 arise. *
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