Verde Valley Professional Pet Sitters Network- Sitter Finder
Whether you are planning out-of-town travel, returning to work or working remotely, professional pet sitters and dog walkers are available to offer customized pet-care services. 
  • This form is just to contact us and give us an idea of what you're looking for so we can send you contact info of sitters who best match your needs. No obligations.
  • After your request is received, you will be emailed a list of sitters from our network who best match your needs so you may contact them directly. 
  • We each have different business structures, experience, contracts, and fees.
Disclaimer | Pet Sitter Finder through VVPPSN

VVPPSN is a business network and does not inspect or police member businesses. Our Finder information is provided solely as a courtesy to help pet owners identify pet sitters in their area, and VVPPSN assumes no liability in connection with any information listed. 

VVPPSN does not endorse any individuals or companies listed on our sitter finder. VVPPSN makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibility for, the accuracy or completeness of the information or the products or services provided by the individuals or companies listed. This Finder is a compilation of the names and contact information of VVPPSN members, available for informational purposes only. VVPPSN expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the products or services provided by these members.

VVPPSN also encourages pet owners to check references on any pet sitter prior to hiring.

By using this form, you agree that you have read and understood the Disclaimer above.

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Tell us your name (First, Last) *
Email address you'd like your matches sent to *
In which area are you seeking pet care? *
What type(s) of pet(s) are you seeking care for? *
What Services are you seeking? *
Please tell us a little more about your pets and your needs:
Thank you for your inquiry. Please allow up to 48 hours for a response as this is currently done manually.

The Traveling Petsitter
Founding member VVPPSN
Contact me at (928) 351-7391 or
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