Request an Awareness Talk
BruCERT offers cyber security awareness talks for schools and educational institutions throughout Brunei Darussalam. Talks can be customised to meet the school's requirements to highlight particular topics, and can be tailored for specific target audiences such as primary school students, secondary school students, teachers or parents.

All awareness talks provide valuable information about online threats, cyber safety and include tips to keep private information secure.

If you'd like BruCERT to hold an awareness talk at your school/institute, please fill up the form below and we will get back to you shortly.
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Email *
Name of School / Institute *
Contact Person *
Contact Number *
Other Remarks
Kindly provide information such as:
  • Preferred dates (Monday–Friday only)
  • Time
  • Venue
  • Expected audience size
  • A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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