Arizona Stitch Lab - Program Application
Thank you for your interest in Arizona Stitch Lab! We'd like to get to know you better, so please tell us about yourself.
Please read and fill out the application below in its entirety for the purpose of grant reporting.
Thess classes will now have a cost associated with them.  If you meet income requirements, you may have partial or full tuition discounted.  All students will be required to pay a $100 deposit to secure a class seat.  All tuition is due two weeks prior to class start date.
if you qualify for tuition discount, your $100 deposit will be refunded once you pass the course.
You will be notified if your application has been approved.  You must receive a confirmation before you attend any scheduled class. 
By filling out this application, you agree to be contacted post course completion to discuss how AZSL has impacted your employment opportunities.  Contacts may occur 1-2 months post completion of courses. 
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Date Of Birth *
Home Address - City - State - Zip Code *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Gender *
Current Employment Status *
Annual Household Income *
Your Wages Prior To Training Program (Hourly or Annual) *
Race/Ethnicity *
Highest Level of Education *
Current or Recent Employer
Employer Address - City - State - Zip Code
Dates Employed (Month/Year to Month/Year)
Which courses are you interested in?
Why are you interested in this program? *
Desired outcoming from taking this course?
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How did you hear about Arizona Stitch Lab?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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