Google Tools
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What is your name?
Use this image to answer the following questions
How can you see most of the Google apps at once? (See image above)
1 point
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How can you view information about your account? (see image above)
1 point
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Identify in the next question what this arrow is pointing to.  (It is seen in your Gmail program)
What is the arrow pointing to (above)
1 point
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Someone has shared a file with you to edit.  When you click on it, you see a button called "sign in".  Do you need to sign into your account to view and/or edit it?
1 point
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This is Google Photos.  Use it to answer the next question.
In Google Photos, you can name a person.  How?
1 point
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(no credit) Go to  Type in a question such as "How will AI evolve in the future".  From the answer, you have the option of making it simpler ("Make this simpler") or expanding ("please provide more information").  Tell us what you found (below)
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