Dinner Church

What is Dinner Church? It is a gathering where all the most important things happen at the table. There is a meal. But the group does not meet first and then eat. Or eat dinner, and then have church. Think of a good dinner party with a spiritual twist –good conversation and prayerful moments. 

We gather around our own dinner tables (or a restaurant's table) with our family and join others as we break bread and get to know one another better. Our mealtime last from 1 hour to 1.5 hours each week.

We plan to begin Dinner Church groups this September -  Interested? Let us know!

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Email *
Name: *
Names of family members who will be/might be joining Suppertime Church with you. *
Have you ever participated in a "Dinner Church" group?
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Each Dinner Church Group rotates location (A home, a restaurant, etc.)

Would you ever be interested in hosting at your home?
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I am available for Dinner Church on this day of the week.   (chose ALL that apply) *
How often would you like to do Dinner Church?
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The best time of day for my household for Suppertime Church is...     (chose ALL that apply)
I need to know more about Dinner Church. (ask your question below) *
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