Ramah Day Camp LA: Open House, March 23rd
Join us on Sunday March 23rd from 2pm-3pm to learn all about Ramah Day Camp LA and get a tour of our summer home!  For security purposes, please include the names of all family members who will attend. Confirmation and address will be emailed to you prior to the event. We can't wait to see you on Sunday, March 23 at 2:00 pm!

**Just a reminder that we are open to rising K - 5th graders. Our sessions will run from June 23-July 25th, 2025.
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Parent/Guardian First and Last Name *
Parent/Guardian Email *
Additional Adults attending (first and last names)
Child #1 First and Last Name *
Child #1 Current Grade *
Child #1 Current School *
Child #2 First and Last Name
Child #2 Current Grade
Child #2 Current School
Child #3 First and Last Name
Child #3 Current Grade
Child #3 Current School
How did you hear about Ramah Day Camp LA? *
Do you have any specific questions that you'd like us to answer on March 23rd?
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