Things I Wish I Knew Before I Built My Business...
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By commenting here, you are not signing up for my email list. You're simply giving me permission to share your thoughts on my website. If I do feature your "I Wish I Knew", I'll do so by giving you full credit and a link back to your site - which is great for your website's search engine optimization.  (Hooray for high-quality contextual backlinks!)

Thanks for sharing your tips for newbie entrepreneurs. I can't wait to hear your thoughts...

- Lauren G.

P.S. Looking for business coaching & accountability that doesn't cost an arm and a leg? I might be able to help you. You learn more about my online mastermind & accountability group @ Your first session group coaching session is just $25 when you use the code FRIEND. Hope to see you there...
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Your Full Name *
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What's the one thing you wish you knew before starting your business?
What's the biggest mistake you've made to date due to lack of information or resources? (In other words, this mistake would've been totally avoidable if you'd known <insert information here>.)
What's the best business decision you've made along the way?
What's your favorite part of owning your own business?
What's the most difficult part of owning your own business?
If you had it to do all over again, what's one thing you'd do differently?
If you had it to do all over again, what's one thing you'd do exactly the same?
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