2024 Alumni Survey

As you may already be aware, SUNY Orange (Orange County Community College) is celebrating its 75th Anniversary in 2025! To mark this significant milestone, we are planning a series of events over the next academic year to celebrate our vibrant community college and the countless individuals who have contributed to its legacy over the past seven decades.

Your input is invaluable as we plan these upcoming events. Please take a moment to share your thoughts and preferences regarding our anniversary celebrations by completing the survey below: 
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Email *
Name *
Address (so that we may update your address on file)
We are considering a 75th anniversary celebration weekend from May 16-May 18, 2025. Which events might you be interested in attending? (Please check all that apply. There may be a nominal cost to attend the Friday and Sunday events. The Gala on Saturday will be more expensive.)

How much would you be willing to spend on a gala ticket, understanding that the event will be used to raise funds to support SUNY Orange and its students? 

(Please check all that apply)

Would you consider starting a scholarship fund at SUNY Orange in honor of the 75th anniversary?
Would you be interested in potentially purchasing a 75th anniversary branded keepsake to support the Foundation's fundraising efforts?  
We want to collect stories from members of our alumni community for social media sharing, as well as the  creation of a video that will showcase the College's "75 years of transforming lives". This video will be shared at the 75th Anniversary Gala. Would you be willing to submit a short video either in person or online?  
Do you still have any physical mementos from your time at SUNY Orange? If so, we'd love to see them and share them as part of our anniversary celebration! These memories could show up in our social media posts, on our website or as part of our historical displays throughout the year. 

Please check all of the following that might apply:
We are hosting an alumni event called "Reflections" on Friday, September 27, 2024 on the SUNY Orange Middletown campus. Would you be interested in attending?  
Captionless Image
Part of the 75th Anniversary Fundraising campaign, we will be raising funds to upgrade and transform classrooms on campus. Would you be interested in contributing to the 75th Anniversary Classroom Upgrade fund? 
Do you work for a company that may be interested in starting a scholarship or fund in honor of SUNY Orange's 75th anniversary?
Would you be willing to volunteer at one or all of the events at any point during the 75th Anniversary?
Are you currently receiving our emails including the bi-monthly E-newsletter? 
How do you prefer we communicate with you about events and news? 
Please check all of the following that may apply
How often do you prefer we communicate with you? 
Please check all of the following that may apply
We host alumni career panels for SUNY Orange students during the academic year, showcasing alumni in specific career fields. Is this something you may be willing to participate in, in the future? (some are in person and some are virtual) 
Are there any other ways you would like to get involved at SUNY Orange, or things that you would like to do or see?
Do you have any additional comments you would like to add?
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