Environmental Research Network Questionnaire
After filling out this form, remember to upload your CV using the link at www.rdcep.org/env-research-network. Please email rdcep-info@uchicago.edu with any questions.
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Last name *
First name *
Email address *
Academic year *
Major *
Minor or 2nd major
I'm looking for research opportunities for *
If you're looking for opportunities during the academic year, how many hours per week are you available then? *
Please enter 0 if you are only interested in summer opportunities. We assume summer research positions would be full-time.
Are you interested in paid and/or unpaid opportunities? *
Do you have a federal work-study award? *
Please enter up to four keywords describing your research interests and/or skills:
Keyword 1
Keyword 2
Keyword 3
Keyword 4
I have uploaded my CV and cover letter here (as a single pdf with the naming convention Lastname_Firstname.pdf):  https://bit.ly/2LtQxPN *
Would you like to have your basic information (name, email, year, major, research interests) from this form made public to other students for networking purposes? *
Do you want to receive emails about environmental events and opportunities on campus? *
Please email rdcep-info@uchicago.edu with any questions.
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