Medtech4Europe - Final Conference 15th June (10.00-13.00) Registration Form
This event is organised by Cluster TechForLife and Lombardy Region, in the Auditorium Testori at Palazzo Lombardia (Milan).
The conference will start at 9.15 a.m. and finish at 15 p.m.
It will be necessary to register at the desk at the entrance: Registration will start at 9.30 a.m.

We would like to remind everyone that the use of an FFP2 mask is compulsory to enter Palazzo Lombardia.


Please note that photos/video will be taken during the event, which we will use for the transmission and publication and/or dissemination of the Final Event (TechForLife's Website, Newsletter, LinkedIn and YouTube; Medtech4 Europe Website, Twitter, LinkedIn)

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The event is organised in the framework of Interreg Europe programme
First Name *
Last Name *
E-Mail Address *
Job Title *
Company Name *
Thematic areas of interest (please provide 3/4 keywords) *
Country *
How will you be attending the conference *
If you have selected "other", please specify your role
If you are invited as a stakeholder, please specify who you are invited by
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If you selected "other", please specify
Light lunch: do you have food allergies? *
If yes, which ones?
He/she gives his/her consent to Allow project members to disclose data to third party participants in connection with local event.                                                                                 *
He/she gives his/her consent to process the personal data provided  in order to create a community and to allow project members to contact you to propose additional services.                                                                                (Please note, selecting "CONSENT" is required for the event registration)
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