Disney's The Little Mermaid Audition Form
Here is the audition form for the NDP Fall musical, The Little Mermaid.  You must fill out this form before you can enter the audition room.  It helps us get to know you better and have your contact information for our whole process.  We are so excited for this show and hear/see of all our talented performers!
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Email *
Student last Name *
Student First Name *
Grade *
Student Phone Number *
Emergency Number *
Parent Email 1 *
Parent Email 2
What time slot did you sign up for?  Note: if just wanting an ensemble with no featured singing or speaking - you don't have to audition.  Just fill out this form!!! :)
Have you filled out the conflicts sheet?  They are available in the front office by the sign-up.  All conflicts should be listed and a student and parent signature must be on the sheet to be eligible to audition.   - Yes
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What is your dance background?
What is your vocal or musical background?
What is your theatre background?  10th-12th graders that have done a show with us, do not have to fill out.
What roles are you trying out for? *
Would you accept any role offered to you? *
Do you have any allergies, dietary specifications, or medical issues that we should be aware of?  
What t-shirt size are you? *
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