2023 NZ Open Tournament Registration
Details for registering for the 2023 NZ Open

*The ratings list on our website contains data from players who played in tournaments since 2018. You can still compete if you are not in the ratings list yet, just complete the form below and ignore the NZGS number parts
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Your name *
Check here to see if you have one: https://go.org.nz/index.php/players/ratings
Playing strength
For example 5d or 7k for 5Dan (pretty strong) or 7Kyu (a good beginner)  Leave this blank if you are happy with your NZGS rank (here is the link to check your rank: https://go.org.nz/index.php/players/ratings
Which do you want to enter? *
You can only enter in 1 division
Are you participating remotely or in person
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Are you a NZ citizen or do you have a permanent residence (or a similar visa)?   *
Most international tournaments only accept citizens. We allow citizens and permanent residents to win points towards representing New Zealand
Contact details: Phone *
Contact details: Email *
Contact details: Other
Do you have another way we can contact you that you prefer us to use?
Contact details: Address
Can you bring a laptop to play games on online-go.com with remote players? *
Your OGS user name?  Register at https://online-go.com/ to get a user name if you have not already got one *
Do you want to be part of he New Zealand Go Society? (there is currently no charge for this) *
Do you need accomodation in Auckland? *
Do you want to receive email from the New Zealand Go Society about coming events and anything else relevant to the New Zealand Go community? *
Remember to pay your entry fee. Preferably by bank transfer to 03-0149-0095693-000 Otherwise use Paypal account secretary@go.org.nz  (Make sure you give your name and NZGS number in the reference!) *
Please add any comments or suggestions you have regarding this tournament and Go activity in New Zealand
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