輔導轉介表  Referral Form
The Wellness Bridge has established partnerships with Manna Counseling. Please fill in this form to request a counselling referral from Manna. If you prefer to contact us by phone, please leave a message at (403) 287-3621. We will call you back within 2 business days. 

心靈健康橋樑與天糧輔導及教育中心合作,協助提供輔導轉介服務。為方便轉介您的輔導需求,請填寫此表格。如果您想通過電話聯繫我們, 請打電話 : (403) 287-3621 留言我們會在 2 個工作日內給您回電

Manna Counseling and Educational Center provides both counseling service and spiritual direction in three languages (Cantonese, Mandarin, and English) for the Chinese community and beyond, based on love and biblical truth. Manna has 5 professional counselors and 5 spiritual directors who can provide individual or group counseling for addictions, depression, stress, family and parenting difficulties, grief, children, and adolescent growth challenges etc. We have some counselors who are trained to do play therapy and art therapy as well. We respect the privacy of our clients and maintain strict confidentiality. We are willing to walk this journey with you, to create a brighter tomorrow.

天糧輔導及教育中心本著愛心及聖經的真理,為華人群體提供專業的輔導服務及屬靈導引。我們可以提供三種語言的服務(廣東話,普通話和英語)本中心共有位專業輔導員及位靈命導師, 可以幫助那些面臨沉溺成瘾,情緒困擾,抑鬱,婚姻困擾,壓力,喪偶傷痛,親子青少年成長等問題。我們有熟悉遊戲治療和藝術治療的專業輔導員。我們尊重受助者的私隱,嚴格保持機密。我們願意與你攜手同行,共創一個美好的明天。

Manna is a registered charity. We desire to serve those without insurance benefits. Counseling fees can normally be upwards of $120 but we charge $35 for counseling for 1 hour and $45 for 1.5 hours.
天糧是一間政府註冊非牟利的輔導中心。我們希望為那些沒有保險福利的人提供服務。一般專業的輔導費用是$120,但天糧為幫助經濟有需要人仕,特定收費為: 每節1小時-$35 , 每節1.5小時-$45

If you would like to support us financially, please visit our website. 如果您想在經濟上支持我們,請瀏覽我們的網站。

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