YMCA Program Evaluation
Please take a few moments to let us know how you feel about the program you and/or your child participated in. Your comments and feedback are greatly appreciated and will enable us to maintain and improve the quality of our programs. Thank you for your support of Plainview YMCA programs, we love having you as a part of our Y family.
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Coach's Name
Game Day
Game Site
Did your child have fun?
Not at all
Very much
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Did your child learn more about the sport?
Not at all
Very much
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Did your child improve their physical fitness?
Not at all
Very much
Clear selection
Did your child learn to cooperate with others better?
Not at all
Very much
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Did your child learn to compete appropriately?
Not at all
Very much
Clear selection
Were the children treated fairly by the coach?
Not so well
Very well
Clear selection
Did the coach teach the children to compete appropriately?
Not so well
Very well
Clear selection
Did the coach take safety precautions?
Not so well
Very well
Clear selection
How well did the coach organize practices and games?
Not so well
Very well
Clear selection
How well did the coach keep parents informed?
Not so well
Very well
Clear selection
How well did the coach effectively teach?
Not so well
Very well
Clear selection
How well did the coach show self control?
Not so well
Very well
Clear selection
How well did the coach encourage and recognize the children?
Not so well
Very well
Clear selection
How well did the coach help the children's self esteem?
Not so well
Very well
Clear selection
Would you recommend that your coach continue to coach YMCA programs?
Clear selection
When thinking about the program, please rate the photographer.
Very good
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When thinking about the program, please rate the YMCA staff.
Very good
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Comments about your rating:
When thinking about the program, please rate the YMCA organization.
Very good
Clear selection
Comments about your rating:
When thinking about the program, please rate the facilities where games were held.
Very good
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Comments about your rating:
Suggested improvements:
Please tell us what this YMCA program has meant to your family.
If you would like a YMCA representative to contact you in regards to the program, please provide your name, phone number and email below.
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