FRC & FTC Request for SmugMug Account
We are so excited to support you with one (1) free SmugMug Pro account for your team for the 2024-2025 season. Simply fill out the form below and we will send you an email with the link to redeem for a free account.

With your SmugMug Pro account, you will be able to manage all of your photos and shorter clip videos from the competition season. And, you'll even be able to fundraise from your account by allowing others to purchase your photos!

This account will available for your use for one year.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Which program is your team part of? *
What is your team's name? *
What is your FIRST team number? *
Example: 12345
Where is your team located? *
Please provide your city and state.
Do you have an existing SmugMug account for your FIRST team? *
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