Harassment, Hazing, and Bullying Quiz
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Work location(s): Check all that apply *
Bullying means any overt act or combination of acts directed against a student by another student or group of students, which is repeated over time and intended to ridicule, humiliate, or intimidate the student. *
In order for school to take action, the student misconduct to be investigated has to have occurred on school grounds. *
Harassment means an incident or incidents of verbal, written, visual, or physical conduct including any incident conducted by electronic means based on or motivated by a student's or a student's family member's actual or perceived race, creed, color, national origin, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability that has the purpose or effect of objectively and substantially undermining and detracting from or interfering with a student's educational performance or access to school resources or creating an objectively intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment. *
Who are your school's designates? *
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