OVP Vaccine Express Sign-up Form
We are excited to let you know that we are already in the process of firming up the roll out of OVP Vaccine Express, in partnership with the Local Government of Manila. Through this initiative, we hope to demonstrate that we can innovatively bring vaccination to communities and strategic target groups, with the objective of increasing vaccination rates.
For the planned roll out, the target will be tricycle, pedicab, and jeepney drivers registered in the city of Manila as part of the A4 category. Given the volume involved, we appeal to your generosity and volunteerism to supervise and help with the administration of vaccines so we can cover as many vaccinees as possible at the shortest possible time. The vaccination will be held on 22-23 June 2021 (Tuesday and Wednesday) at CCP Bay Parking.
Through this pre-registration, we would love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, and comments on this initiative. We are looking forward to working with you in this initiative, as this would be impossible without our shared spirit of volunteerism and bayanihan.
Thank you! Keep safe!