TxATE 2022
Please provide your nomination(s) below by September 15, 2022. Coody & Booker Awards will be presented at the CSOTTE conference in the fall and K-12 Exceptional Partnerships will be presented at the TxATE Summer Conference.

You may complete this form multiple times if you would like to nominate a different member for each category.  

1. The Ben E. Coody Distinguished Service Award

Dr. Coody served as the last President of the Texas Association for Student Teaching before the association became the Texas Association of Teacher Educators in 1971. Shortly after completing his term as president,       Dr. Coody met an untimely death in an automobile accident. He was respected for his high code of ethics, his professional zeal, and his sincerity of purpose.
This award honors others who have provided significant service to the organization.  Service to the profession through contributions to fieldwork or clinical practice is emphasized.
Guidelines for Selection of Recipient:
Nominees should have made a significant contribution to TxATE and the education profession; specifically, service to student teaching and fieldwork.
Nominations will be accepted from members of TxATE.

2. The Ted Booker Memorial Award

In 1971, Ted Booker, who had been President in 1969-1970 and was Dean of the College of Education at Texas Woman's University, suggested that TSCTE (predecessor of TxATE) use surplus funds to establish an award for an outstanding contribution in the field of teacher education. Because of his leadership in this area and his untimely death in 1971 due to a heart attack, the Ted Booker Memorial Award was established in April 1972 at the TSCTE Spring Conference.
Guidelines for Selection of Recipient:
Nominees should have made a significant contribution in the area of teacher education; specifically, contributions in scholarship and policy.
Special consideration will be given to members of TxATE; however, nonmembers may be selected.
Nominations will be accepted from members of TxATE or non-members.

3. Exceptional Partnership Award

TXATE invites universities to nominate Exceptional K-12 School Partnerships such as Induction Programs or Continuing Professional Development initiatives that have been developed and implemented through their university teacher preparation programs. These practices are critically important to the success of university-based teacher education programs. Not only do they provide teacher candidates with opportunities to engage in the theory and practice of teaching in context, but they also link universities, teachers, schools and communities in a common goal of improving learning for all children. 

Partnerships may involve a single or multiple schools, school districts, and the university. They may take a variety of forms to reflect specific partnership activities and approaches with the goal of improving both teacher preparation and K-12 schools.

Nominations should describe exceptional K-12 school partnerships such as Induction Programs, or Continuing Professional Development initiatives that have been particularly effective in facilitating continuous improvement among all stakeholders. Partnership programs might include, but are not limited to:

  • Induction Programs that provide support to beginning teachers
  • Professional Development for K-12 teachers in content and/or pedagogy
  • Curriculum Enhancement initiatives for both K-12 schools and teacher preparation
  • University-School-Community Engagement programs

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Please select the category for the award. https://txate.org/Awards *
I would like to nominate the following person or EPP partnership. *
Nominee's Title *
Nominee's University / School Affiliation *
Nominee's Area of Work *
Is this person a current TxATE member. *
Brief Summary of Contributions: *
Formal Statement of Support (500 word max): *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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