Divergent League Sign up Sheet
Thanks for your interest in Divergent League! What is Divergent League? Find out on the website: https://divergentleague.com/about/ 

No, we haven't decided on a starting date for the new season just yet.

Please fill out this form even if you have played in previous seasons, so I have updated contact info for you! Thanks!

- The Commish
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your name (First and Last)? *
What team or teams would you prefer? *
How much would you be willing to pay to participate in a full Divergent League season? *
(Optional) What is your Discord username (so I can invite you to our server)?
(Optional) What is your phone number (for League texts)?
(Optional) What season or seasons would you like to see us play next?
(Optional) Would you like to be part of the Divergent League Podcast? *
(Optional) Are you interested in writing for the Divergent League blog? *
(Optional) Check any other sports you would be interested in playing a Divergent League season of
(Optional) Anything you want to say to the Commish?
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