Next Door Project Volunteer Form
Hey there!  We are so excited for your willingness to serve this summer with churches from all over Hardin County.  Here below is a brief description of the vision for this project.  

In response to the pandemic, a group of local children’s ministry leaders have prayerfully and creatively brainstormed an alternative to the traditional VBS so that we can gather safely outdoors to share the message of God’s love with children in kindergarten-fifth grade. This reimagined VBS is called the “Next Door Project” and focuses on exploring God’s character and how we can reflect His character to those in our community.
What: The Next-Door Project
Who: Local churches lead and invite children in K-5th grade to attend
Where: Your neighborhood or a neighborhood near you
When: July 20-24 (Daily sessions are 1 ½ hours) (Each site chooses their time preference, morning, afternoon, or evening)
Why: To share the gospel with children all over Hardin County
How: Churches are provided a curriculum that includes a Worship Introduction, Bible Story, Games, & Crafts

With the pandemic going on I know there are some concerns for safety so we want to be upfront with our expectations.  We will not require anyone to wear a mask, we don't feel like it is welcoming with kids.  We will also ask that kids use the bathroom before they come or if they need to go, they need to go to their own home so that kids aren't entering the volunteers home.  We will not be providing snacks for the site and ask that if you decide you want to, they you provide only individually wrapped snacks.

Below you will find the many options available to you to serve.  Please read all descriptions before choosing.  After all the descriptions, you will select in which capacity you would like to serve.  You may select more than one option if you would like.   If you have any questions, please contact the children's minister at your church or Jennifer White at

Thank you so much for your willingness to be apart of this big vision that God has given us!!  We are so excited for your willingness to be apart of sharing Jesus with Hardin County.
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Name *
What church do you attend? *
Email address *
Phone number *
Address *
Host Home
As a host home, you will be responsible for providing an adequate space to offer The Next Door Project to kids in your area.  Area may include your neighborhood or kids in your immediate community.  The space will need to have some shade whether natural or with canopies.  You will have 4 to 5 other adults present at your home and around 15 kids.  The kids will be expected to stay outside the whole time but the adults may have to go in to use the restroom and such.  On the last day we will have a family time, so families will also be coming to your home for that time but will be expected to stay outside.  As a host home, you have an option to lead the project that will meet at your home, assist others assigned to your home, or just host.  Whatever you prefer is wonderful!
As a leader, you will be responsible for leading the project stories and activities.  We anticipate that most sites will have 2 leaders and 3 assistants assigned.  So you will work with another individual to run all the activities and you will have others assist.  If you are hosting and want to lead, you will obviously do that at your own home.  If you are not hosting but want to lead, we will assign you to a location.  All material will be provided.  We expect those in a leader role to have a relationship with Jesus and a heart to share your love of Jesus with others.  There will be at least one training that you will need to attend to prepare you for this fun filled week!
As an assistant, you will be assisting leaders as they lead the story and activities.  We anticipate that most sites will have 2 leaders and 3 assistants assigned.  Your primary job will be to help out however you can, assist the leader during an activity or help the children complete the activity, whatever is needed.  If you are not hosting but want to assist, we will assign you to a location.  We expect those in an assistant role to have a relationship with Jesus and a heart to share your love of Jesus with others.  
Prep Worker
As a prep worker, you will be asked to help prepare and collect materials prior to The Next Door Project.  
Choose all that apply. *
If you are planning to be a host home, please list the location of where you plan to host (your home, a neighborhood central location, a local park).
If you are planning to be a HOST, please select what what time of day you would like to have your Next Door Project at your location.
If you are planning to LEAD or ASSIST, please select times that you are available to work.
List the names of other members of your family that want to serve and the capacity of which they will serve.  We will put family members together unless otherwise noted.  
Comments or Questions
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