Instant Pay Airdrop #1
Things That Prove Your Payment Processing Is Secure.
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Our shopping habits have changed. eCommerce comes with many benefits, but there are also new possibilities for cyber criminals, who steal our personal and banking details. As a merchant, you need to do everything within your power to make your customers sure that the transactions on your website are secure. Customers usually can’t choose their own payment gateway, so it’s up to you to make the best choice.

The average consumer doesn’t even think about the whole process that takes place when he/she pays for items at an online store. It is also important to understand that in the payment process there are many players, not just you and the customer(s). There are also card brands, acquirers, and issuing banks or other companies. Therefore, It is crucial to have the whole process under control and reduce the risk at every point possible. Making yours and your customers’ data secure is one of the most important issues for your online business.

Credit card payments are still the most common type of payments, but unfortunately with the growing number of online payments, there are also more fraudsters. Data thieves have a huge amount of knowledge on how new technologies work, so they are always looking for the vulnerable points of payment processing.

What makes online payments secure?
It’s not easy, and almost impossible, to eliminate fraud, but there are many ways to secure your data and prevent it from being stolen. Read below to find out what to focus on in order to ensure that payment processing on your website is secure (or what to consider when choosing a payment gateway for your page).

1. SSL
All transactions should be secured with SSL protocol. Using SSL helps to encrypt the information so that the card details and all other sensitive data is protected. It, of course, improves payment security, but also makes customers more willing to buy.

The SSL is symbolised by a padlock icon in the URL bar, and the web address begins with https.

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Gain The Customer’s Trust With PCI Compliance
Simply said, PCI compliance is important because it gives better type of security when making online purchases with credit cards. See why.

Liability Shift Overview
Today, the authentication is bringing the positive benefits that come with liability shift. What is it?

2. PCI
When you’re processing payments on your website, PCI is a must. The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) provide guidelines for merchants that tell them what they need to do in order to secure sensitive data in payment processing.

A merchant doesn’t have to be PCI compliant if he/she chooses the right payment provider (one with PCI level 1). He/she can leave it up to the payment gateway to comply with the industry level security standards. Note that data encryption is required by PCI.

3. Tokenization
You should never store your customers’ credit and debit card information on your server. When choosing the right payment solution, the customers’ data doesn’t even touch your servers. More importantly, it’s encrypted before it is ever stored on database servers.

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Tokenization replaces sensitive data with a randomly generated string of characters, so it reduces the risk associated with data breach. One of the best protection methods is using a token that represents a real credit card number. When the transaction is authorized, the data is sent to the centralized server and stored securely. At the same time, a merchant’s system receives a unique number. Then the token can be used as a substitute for the card’s data, e.g. with one-click payments on the customer’s future transaction.

Choosing a payment gateway with tokenization can minimize the risk of payment fraud.

4. 3D Secure
3D Secure is an additional security layer that helps with fraud prevention in debit and credit card transactions. In short, when an online shopper wants to buy something, he/she creates a secure password for the credit card he/she uses to pay. At that time, every transaction will be confirmed with the password in order to add extra protection.

5. Anti-fraud tools
With fraud prevention tools, every transaction is scanned and monitored (automatically or manually), so it’s easier to prevent and eliminate all suspected fraudulent activities.

Moreover, when you seek out a payment gateway, choose one with great customer support. It’s extremely important for your business because you need to be sure that you can contact the payment provider easily for troubleshooting.

To sum up, when you choose a payment gateway for your website, you need to make sure it comes with the following:

PCI level 1
Data encryption (Do they use HTTPS?)
3D Secure
How is sensitive data protected?
How they identify and prevent fraud?
Quick support in case of fraud
There are some basic rules for both merchants and consumers to follow in order to make secure transactions. Online business owners definitely have to use encrypted payment services, remove credit card details after completed transactions, or apply the privacy policy to make sure customers know what information will be collected during the payment process.

However, customers also have to be cautious and check the website they are buying from before purchasing. Also, they should only enter essential information in the payment form (such as card details and billing address), and never ever send a scan of their IDs or credit card copy.

Using the right solution and paying attention to the security of online payments can definitely reduce the overall level of vulnerability.

Billing models
We support every payment scenario. Literally.
Simplify the purchasing process and improve your business success rate. Use multiple billing models at one time and grow your sales.

Single, one time payments
For eCommerce, downloads, digital content.
Recurring payments and subscriptions
For SaaS, digital content, dating, gaming and pay-per-use

Mixed billing models to fit your business
For SaaS with pay-per-seat business or Dating with subscriptions and one-time purchases. No matter how complex your business model is, our payment gateway can handle it.

One-time transactions
Get full control over selling single products or services with a seamless payment gateway.

Suitable for:
eCommerce and consumer goods
Software downloads
One-time payments, setup fees
Pre-paid credits and services
Selling additional services or products
Fixed price and flexible subscriptions
Offer a single subscription price for all customers or give them various plans and pricing levels to choose. Set up free trials and make it easy to upgrade or downgrade plans.

Suitable for:
Dating, social networks
Monthly subscription boxes
Charge users a variable amount at the end of the billing cycle, based on how customers use your products or services.

Suitable for:
Cloud-based computing models
Software services
Media and content providers

Ideal solution for mixed business models
Looking for payments to combine subscriptions and single purchases?
Use our API to cover all your business needs.

Subscriptions + one-time payments
If you want to run a complex business model, you can combine subscription payments with one-time charges. Use any payment scenario you need to grow your business performance.

Tools to maximize revenue
Grow your revenue with our conversion-boosting tools: Cross Sales and One-Click Payments.

Invoice & workflow automation
Use our Zapier integration to connect your payments with CRM or invoice software. Get more out of your data and simplify your workflow.
Platform Designed to Maximize Revenue
Web and mobile payments with the highest level of security.
An example of a complex payment integration
One of our clients decided to integrate a few types of payments to make their business more profitable. He offers multiple pricing tiers in a subscription-based model and extra services with one-click payments solution. Offering various pricing tiers, helped him to reduce the cost of chargebacks and refunds.

Moreover, additional services with one-click payments had a great impact on his revenue.
Multiple subscription plans

The client runs 3 plans on his website — Premium, Pro and Basic options that can be paid monthly or annually. This makes, in fact, six plans. He also has a special offer for their partners and friends, with discounts and various tiers. There are 24 plans in total.

Meeting customer needs
Better relations with partners
Streamlined cash flow
Offering extra products and services

One-time payments allow customers to pay for extra services with just a click. Frequent users are checking the “Remember me” option so they don’t need to provide any card details each time they pay on our client’s website.

Higher conversion rate with One-Click Payments
Simplified payment flow with micropayments

“7 day money back” without transaction costs
Our client didn’t want to run a free trial, but instead, he offers a  “7-day money-back guarantee”. He charges the customer’s account right away and gets their money back automatically if they cancel the subscription within 7 days.

Usually, a payment made by a customer creates a cost for a merchant (a cost of capturing funds). “Money back” means a refund, which also comes with extra costs. To avoid paying twice for an undecided customer, the payment process looks like this:

A customer enters card data.
Once an authorization is made, the funds are blocked (authorization is free of charge at SecurionPay).
If a customer resigns within 7 days, he will get his money back (a merchant doesn’t pay anything for that). Otherwise, a delayed capture is made after this time. In result, the merchant gets their money and pays a transaction fee.

Transaction costs reduced
Lower chargeback ratio
Minimize chargebacks with anti-fraud tools
Minimize chargeback ratio
A too high chargeback ratio results in heavy fines. Keep your transactions safe, get a complete set of anti-fraud tools and reduce the number of chargebacks.

Protect your business against fraud
Highly-effective anti-fraud tools with built-in machine learning to detect suspicious transactions and keep your business ahead of fraudsters.

Decrease chargeback ratio
Watch your transactions and keep the chargeback ratio below 1%. It really is possible with best-in-class security tools provided by SecurionPay.

Keep customers data safe
Use secure Checkout or Custom form to accept customer payments and keep their data safe with a PCI-certified process, tokenization and effective fraud filters.

Top-notch 3D Secure
Non-invasive 3D Secure verification with superior UX adds an extra security layer and doesn’t interfere your conversion rate. Increase sales and minimize cart abandonment.

More about 3D Secure
Anti-fraud tools
Our fraud detection tools with machine learning, tokenization, smart 3D Secure, and other effective solutions help you identify the risk and reject suspicious transactions.

More about Anti-fraud
Fight fraud by blacklisting suspicious customers. Stay in full control of unwanted or suspicious transactions. Define blacklisting rules and analyze transactions directly from your dashboard.

More about blacklisting
Delayed capture
Improve security and mitigate risk by using delayed capture option. This lets you freeze funds on a customer’s card and verify whether your future client is a fraudster or not.
What is a chargeback?
A chargeback occurs when a customer disputes a charge on their bill. In most cases, it’s the result of an unauthorized transaction, stolen data, or a stolen credit card.

Watch your chargeback ratio closely
Chargebacks can be costly for merchants. Keep in mind that too many chargebacks result in heavy fines or in terminating your account by an acquiring bank.

Protect your business
All businesses that accept credit card payments are vulnerable to chargebacks. React instantly when you see a disputed transaction and reduce the number of chargebacks.
Redefine the purchasing process
Provide your customers with the most simplified and safe shopping experience. Thanks to our PCI Level 1 compliance, tokenization system, and extremely flexible API, you can set new payment scenarios that will take your business to the next level.

Higher security standards
Keep your customers’ data safe with a set of highly-effective anti-fraud tools, built-in machine learning and many others solutions. Provide convenient and safe shopping experience to happy customers.

New transaction types and flexible scenarios
Make payments on your website work best for you. Use free-of-charge authorization to freeze funds on a customer’s card, make a delayed capture and offer partial refunds.
Increase sales delivering faster payments

One-Click Payments
Improve customer retention
Having to enter card details each time a customer wants to pay on your website could be frustrating for them. Shorten the process to the bare minimum and let them pay with a single click in seconds. Fewer clicks mean more sales.

Get more sales
It is common to save shipping information to make the purchasing process easier, but you can go even further. Do the same thing with customers’ cards details and make buying as simple as one click.

Maximize revenue with micropayments
Quick, one-click payments are usually popular in online games, entertainment and social networks. Give customers a smooth experience without interrupting their enjoyment of using the product.

Tokenization to protect sensitive information
The powerful technology behind One-Click payments makes it work fast and seamlessly. You don’t have to store any sensitive card data. Everything is covered securely with a token.

Security first
Create a safe experience for both you and your customers. Once a customer enters card details, it goes directly to our system. You don’t have to store or use any sensitive data — we’ll send you a token that represents the card.

Charge a card without asking for data
See how easy is charging the same card multiple times without asking a customer for card details each time. After completing the initial purchase by a customer, we’ll send you a token that represents the card.

Minimize the risk
You can ask customers for CVV/CVC each time they pay on your website to maximize the security. The transaction will be completed right after entering three digits and clicking the payment button.

How frequent customers use
One-Click Payments
One-Click payments are possible right after the initial transaction. Once a customer enters the card details, he can pay with a single click on each site using SecurionPay Checkout. This is a convenient solution for businesses that require customers to sign up.

The customer decides to buy a product and clicks the “Pay €10” button.
Assuming that a customer has made a payment on your website before, you already have a token that replaces his payment details. This lets you display the last 4 digits of the card number and card brand to inform a customer what payment method is used.
The customer makes a successful payment with a single click, without providing any data.
You need to use an API to charge the card. Once it’s done, you will get a confirmation from our server. The charge details will be visible in the Customer Manager.

Instant Pay Details
Token Name: Instant Pay
Symbol: iPay
Total Supply: 200,000,000
Contract: 0xbbf36b7dF2979F0Cf11d460875230ba8740A38bA

Airdrop/Bounty/Referral 100,000,000
Dev Team 50,000,000
Donations 50,000,000
Airdrop Round #1
3000 Instant Pay Every Applicants

Distrubutions End of November 2018
Airdrop Instructions
√ follow us

√ retweet pinned post

√ join telegram channel

√ provide valid email address

√ provide correct ethereum address

√ Donate (Optional)

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0.01 ETH = 10,000 ipay
0.02 ETH = 30,000 ipay
0.03 ETH = 50,000 ipay
0.04 ETH = 80,000 ipay
0.05 ETH = 150,000 ipay
0.1 ETH = 500,000 ipay
0.3 ETH = 800,000 ipay
0.5 ETH = 2,000,000 ipay
1 ETH = 10,000,000 ipay

Contract address: 0xbbf36b7dF2979F0Cf11d460875230ba8740A38bA

Gas limit 100000
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