NWCS Technology Student Help Ticket
Please complete this form if you're having an issue with accessing any of the platforms or having trouble with the device. If you have any questions or issues that are related to assignments or individualized classes, please contact your Teacher directly. All Teacher contact information is located on our website at nwschools.org

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Email *
Choose the Learning Option that your student is currently enrolled in.
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Which school building are you located? *
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Student Username/Email
Teacher/Advisory Teacher Last Name *
Which best describes the problem? *
Please describe in detail what problem you're experiencing. Please include any information such as date/time the issue occurred if possible. *
Chromebook/iPad Asset/Serial # (Tag is located on the bottom or back of District Issued Chromebook or iPad)
Did you sign up for the optional insurance plan?
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Parent or Student Contact Email. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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