Writing/Reading fan-fic
What is your overall experience with fanfiction
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How do you typically discover and consume new fiction or stories? Do you rely on traditional books, movies, television series, or other mediums?
How long have you been in a fanfiction discourse?
When you read fanfiction do you feel that it is different from other forms of fiction? Why or why not?
How do you consume your fanfiction(What media)?

Fanfiction can take many forms, from short stories to epic sagas.

What length and format do you prefer for your fanfiction.

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What is the most rewarding aspect of writing fanfiction, and how has it influenced your growth as a writer and storyteller?

Fanfiction often explores alternative scenarios or relationships for characters.

What draws you to this aspect of fanfiction, and how do you approach crafting

these alternate narratives.

Can you describe your creative process when writing fanfiction? Do you plan your

stories in advance or let them develop as you go along.

Are there any specific rituals or habits that help you get in the writing zone?

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