NMDR Partnership Request
Do you love dogs and want to help support National Mill Dog Rescue with a sponsorship, giveback, custom partnership, original blog/article, or unique fundraiser? Please complete the form below for consideration.

NMDR's mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome discarded breeding dogs while educating the public about the realities of puppy mills, so our partnerships will be geared towards those objectives.  If your partnership, article, or fundraiser aligns with those goals, we hope to hear from you!

Please note, all requests may not be answered, as we choose partners quarterly. You will be contacted if we are able to move forward. Thank you for your support of National Mill Dog Rescue!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your full name? *
What's your email address? *
What company do you represent? *
What is your website URL? *
Please provide the full website address, ex., www.nmdr.org
What is your Facebook URL? *
Please provide the full Facebook website address, ex., www.facebook.com/NationalMillDogRescue
Are you interested in which of the following? *
Choose all that apply
Please provide a description of your fundraiser, partnership idea, or article topic. *
Please describe your goals for this fundraiser, partnership idea, or article topic? *
For example; What do you hope to raise, How much do you expect to donate to NMDR, How do you expect this to positively impact our mission, How much traffic do you expect will come to your website and to NMDR's website?
[Articles/Blogs Only] What is the charge for the blog/article you're proposing?
Can you provide similar efforts and their result? *
Is this your first partnership with a similar organization; or do you have prior successes that you can share in terms of funds raised, traffic gained, sales made, etc?
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
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