Carolina Scorpion 2024 Sponsorship Package
We would like to offer you an opportunity to support the Carolina Scorpions Women’s Football Team. The team was established in the spring of 2020 in Columbia, SC by veteran football players. The Carolina Scorpions operate under the  American Women’s Football League (AWFL), a non-profit organization designed to create the largest and most competitive women’s tackle football league in the world.
Sponsorship can allow the Carolina Scorpions to remain a minimal-dues organization. It encourages an increase in players who may want to participate, regardless of their financial situation. It also assists in funding the season to ensure our players continue to receive quality support, as well as enables them to travel as professional athletes. Sponsorship can  help us to give back our time and support to the community as well.
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First Down Package $100
Four Down Package: $250                                    
Red Zone Package: $500
Field Goal Package: $1000
Touchdown Package: $2000
Product Donation
Pledge of Support: To make a donation or pledge support to the Carolina Scorpions, please provide us with the following information:    
Business/Donor Name
Business Contact Name
Business/Donor Address *
Busniess City/SC/Area Code *
Contact E-mail *
Contact Phone Number *
Sponsorship Levels
 Donation Amount
Payment Information: Mail all checks to: Carolina Scorpion Women Tackle Football Team                           132 Shawn Bay Rd Irmo, SC  29063 *
Sponsor Donation Item/ How many items/Cost Per Item
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Sponsor Donation Item/ How many items/Cost Per Item
Sponsor Donation Item/ How many items/Cost Per Item
Sponsor Donation Item/ How many items/Cost Per Item
Thank You For Your Support!
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