MDC's: Daughter Talk
Dr. Deering's Daughter Talk™ Series is your opportunity, as a mom, to: ask your question, share your dilemma, & convey (in confidence) what message/life lesson you're wanting to get across to your daughter. 

SUBMIT YOUR QUESTIONS using the prompters below. Dr. Deering will answer them "on air" in an upcoming Mother Daughter Connections® episode. 

Then download and share that episode with your daughter as "something that (you) came across and thought she might find interesting/helpful to listen to." [Don't worry. Dr. Deering has your back; she won't mention your actual full name or personal identifying information on the air, since she doesn't want your daughter to know it was you.]
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Right now: What is the MOST PRESSING QUESTION you'd like to ask Dr. Deering (OR CONCERN you have) regarding your daughter? ["The question I'd like to ask Dr. Deering to address "on-the-air" is..."] *
Right now: What is ONE DILEMMA you are facing regarding your daughter?  ["The main dilemma I'm facing with my daughter is..."] *
Right now: What is ONE MESSAGE you are trying to get across to your daughter that you feel she's not hearing?  ["The main thing that I'm trying to get across to my daughter is..."] *
Phone Number *
Your First Name *
Your Last Name *
Your Location *
Where in your location (City/State/Province) *
What PODCAST PLATFORM do you use? *
Have you written a review of a Mother Daughter Connections® episode? *
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