2024 Kink Survey & Census
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What is your gender identity? *
How do you identify sexually?  *
(Click any/all that apply for you.)
How old are you? *
What role do you lean toward most in the bedroom? *
Do you consider yourself disabled, neuro-divergent, and/or have a chronic illness? *
Do you consider yourself Kinky? *
On a scale 0 to 10, 10 being VERY SEXUAL and 0 being NOT SEXUAL, where do you lie? *
Not Sexual
Very Sexual
Would you consider yourself monogamous? *
How would you define your ideal relationship style? *
Have you ever had a partner who wasnt able to fulfill a sexual desire for you? *
If you answered Yes, using a One Word answer, what was the desire/kink/fetish?
If Yes, how did you deal with your differing sexual desires or kinks?
Using One Word, what is your biggest turn on/kink? *
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