SG Method Application
Don't worry, this isn't a test ;) Just answer honestly and with as much detail as possible so I can get a better idea of how we can help you reach your goals!
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Email *
First Name *
How tall are you? *
How did you find out about me/the SG Method? *
What has been your main fat loss/weight loss struggle that you want help with? *
What is your main goal (you can mention 2 or 3 goals if you have more than one)? *
What has gotten in the way of this goal so far? *
Have you cut your calories severely in the past, e.g. cutting calories to 1300 calories or less, to lose fat/weight? If not, what have you tried before? *
How much experience do you have lifting weights e.g. dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells etc? If none, please detail what other types of exercise you have done/tried in the past, if any. *
Have you ever tracked your step count on any app or device e.g. the Health App on the iPhone? *
Have you ever tracked your calories on an app e.g. my fitness pal? If so, what was your experience like? *
The SG-Method Program is £698 for the full 12-weeks of 1 to 1 coaching (this can be converted to other currencies where necessary and the payment can be split into instalments, if requested). Would you be able to invest this amount into achieving your body composition and fat loss goals? *
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your health, fat loss and/or body confidence journey? *
Enter your coupon code (if you have one) here *
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