Pack 7 Registration 2024-2025
Welcome!  We are looking forward to showing you what 2024-2025 has in store for us! We are so excited to welcome back previous Cub Scouts and welcome in new Cub Scouts! This year is going to be full of fun activities, great learning opportunities, leadership skill-building,  volunteering hours, camping, crafts, being in the great outdoors, and providing girls & boys a space to grow, mentor, and have fun.

We are working diligently behind the scenes to provide an excellent program for Cub Scouts that is full of exciting opportunities, none of which could be done without the support of adult partners, leadership, Committee members, and community volunteers.  All Pack 7 leaders and committee members are volunteers and we are deeply grateful for them and our other families who answer the call to make us "The Great Pack 7".

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Youth Information
Please enter the info for your first Cub Scout
Scout #1
First & Last Name
Scout #1 Birthday *
Scout #1 Grade
2024-2025 School Year
Scout #1 Gender
Elementary School
2024-2025 School Year
Scout #1 Registration Status: *
If you registered with Pack 7 anytime prior to August 1 2024, including Summer registrations, select Returning Member
Special Needs
If this scout has any special needs (including dietary) or require accommodations that our leaders need to be aware of, please list here.
Do you have additional Scouts to register? *
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