2020 Fundraising Event Notification/Request Form
Thank you so much for your plans to raise money to support the New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU). NYCLU is the New York affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

In order to help us track, support, and properly thank you, please complete this form about your event. Please submit this form 6-8 weeks prior to your event. Also be sure to review our online Fundraiser Toolkit- https://www.nyclu.org/en/fundraiser-toolkit which contains valuable resources for event organizers.
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Please answer questions including as much detail as possible.
1. Contact Person's Name *
2. Contact Person's Email *
3. Contact Person's Phone number *
4. We would love for you to share what inspired you to hold a fundraiser for the NYCLU. *
5. Name of Group/Organization
6. How many individuals are directly involved in the planning/execution of this event? *
Those who hold primary responsibility for the execution/outcome of this event.
7. Date of Event *
8 Time of Event *
9. Venue Name & Location of Event *
10. Expected attendance and/or venue capacity *
11. Name of Event
12. Links to Event Page/Online Promotion/Social Media Presence
13. Type of Event *
14. Description of Event (including potential talent and invitees) *
15. Please describe all of the ways this event will be promoted. *
16. What is the event ticketing structure, i.e. ticket levels/deliverables at each level? *
16 (a). What is the projected amount of money the event will raise? *
17. What percentage of the proceeds will be donated to the NYCLU? *
18. What support are you requesting from the NYCLU? *
18 (a). If desired, please further describe your need for support.
19. Do you plan to make this an annual or recurring event? *
20. If you are requesting NYCLU involvement in your event, please explain how your event aligns with the NYCLU's mission and objectives? *
Please answer questions including as much detail as possible.
1. Contact Person's Name *
2. Contact Person's Email *
3. Contact Person's Phone number *
4. We would love for you to share what inspired you to hold a fundraiser for the NYCLU. *
5. Name of Group/Organization
6. How many individuals are directly involved in the planning/execution of this event? *
Those who hold primary responsibility for the execution/outcome of this event.
7. Date of Event *
8 Time of Event *
9. Venue Name & Location of Event *
10. Expected attendance and/or venue capacity *
11. Name of Event
12. Links to Event Page/Online Promotion/Social Media Presence
13. Type of Event *
14. Description of Event (including potential talent and invitees) *
15. Please describe all of the ways this event will be promoted. *
16. What is the event ticketing structure, i.e. ticket levels/deliverables at each level? *
16 (a). What is the projected amount of money the event will raise? *
17. What percentage of the proceeds will be donated to the NYCLU? *
18. What support are you requesting from the NYCLU? *
18 (a). If desired, please further describe your need for support.
19. Do you plan to make this an annual or recurring event? *
20. If you are requesting NYCLU involvement in your event, please explain how your event aligns with the NYCLU's mission and objectives? *
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