Share Your Story
Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency is a nonprofit organization with a mission to strengthen communities by providing opportunities to people experiencing social and economic challenges.

By completing this form, you are authorizing the Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency (AEOA) to release your story and/or photograph to the media and to publish on AEOA publications, social media, and website. Your story may also be used in meetings with elected officials, state representatives, senators, the governor and his staff to make them understand the urgent need for these pressing issues in our region.

To gain the support and understanding of elected officials, it is essential to show our lawmakers the real-world challenges people in Minnesota are facing when it comes to having safe, stable and affordable housing, job opportunities, education, early childhood education, transportation, and access to affordable, healthy food. One of the best ways to help lawmakers understand how important these issues are is by sharing personal stories.
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Name (unless you wish to remain anonymous)
Email Address
Phone Number (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
Title of your story *
Provide a short summary. What is your background and situation? How do you feel about your situation? *
Describe your experience. How did you learn about AEOA? What services did you receive? *
Share the final impact our services have had on your life. What is your situation now? Do you have any future plans you'd like to share? *
Paste any links to a video, website, etc. that you'd like us to see here.
Is there anything else you would like to share?
Which county do you live in? *
Read each line carefully and check the box to confirm that you acknowledge and agree to these terms. *
Do you need assistance with any of the following? If yes, please call AEOA or provide your email address and/or phone number above so we can contact you with more information.
If you are interested in any of the following, please check the appropriate box(es). You must provide your email address and/or phone number above so we can contact you.
Thank you for sharing your story.
If you have photos or anything else you would like to share, please send an email to
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