Employer Satisfaction
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Name of employee / graduate *
HOW LONG has this graduate been employed at your company? *
What is the title of the POSITION the graduate is employed in? *
Please tell us your level of satisfaction with this GRADUATE'S PERFORMANCE in your business in the following areas: *
1 = Very disatisfied   5 = Very satisfied
Very Dissatified
Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied
Very Satified
SPECIFIC JOB-RELATED KNOWLEDGE – demonstrates conceptual knowledge related to the work
SPECIFIC JOB-RELATED SKILL - uses specific technical skills related to the work being done
ORAL COMMUNICATE - speaks in a clear, concise and correct manner
WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - writes in a clear, concise and correct manner
COMPREHENSION - demonstrates understanding by restating information, ideas, concepts in different ways
MATH SKILLS - applies math techniques with the accuracy required to solve problems and make decisions
COMPUTER SKILLS - uses computers and other technological tools necessary to perform required tasks
CRITICAL THINKING - evaluates his/her own thinking throughout the steps and processes used in problem solving and decision making
PROBLEM SOLVING - evaluates the validity of arguments based on qualitative and quantitative information
RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS - collects, analyzes, and organizes relevant necessary information
TEAMWORK - interacts with others in ways that contribute to effective working relationships and achievement goals
ORGANIZATION AND PLANNING - determines tasks and resources to complete project objectives
TIME MANAGEMENT - sets priorities and allocates time efficiently to complete several tasks within specific deadlines
QUALITY OF WORK - performs tasks accurately and pays attention to detail
PRODUCTIVITY - is productive in completion of tasks
ADAPTABLE - adapts to new standards and demands by applying and/or updating his/her knowledge and skills
RESPONSIBLE - takes responsibility for his/her own actions and decisions
OVERALL COLLEGE PREPARATION - In general, how would you rate your satisfaction with this employees overall college preparation for the type of work he/she is doing?
Are there OTHER SKILLS that you feel will be in demand in the future and should be included in the educational preparation of college graduates?
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