Best of Boone - 2025
Best of Boone is the annual readers choice issue produced by the staff of The Appalachian that highlights all the best parts of our community for the 2024-25 academic year! This is our tenth year of producing this special edition and we have opened voting earlier! For most categories, we have provided choices as well as a write-in option. The choices listed received the top six (or more, depending on a tie) votes in ballots from previous years. Some questions may have less than six choices listed if six options did not get votes the previous year or if some of the previous options are no longer in Boone at the time of voting. Some questions are write-in only because they are new questions as of this year or because there are too many choices to list.

The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete!

In order for your votes to be considered valid, you must select an answer for at least 10 questions.

Let us know you voted by tagging @TheAppalachian on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and using the hashtag #BestofBoone25. 

Email comments or questions to  
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Best Burger:
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Best Pizza:
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Best Sandwich:
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Best BBQ:
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Best Sweets:
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Best Mexican-Inspired:
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Best Breakfast:
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Best Wings:
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Best Vegetarian Options:
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Best Asian-Inspired Cuisine:
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Best Food Truck:
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Best Takeout:
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Best Coffee:
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Best Bar:
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Best Local Brewery:
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Best Grocery Store:
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Best Italian-Inspired Cuisine:
Best New Food/Restaurant:
Best Overlook:
Clear selection
Best Ski Mountain:
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Best Hiking:
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Best Swimming:
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Best Place to Mountain Bike:
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Best App Gear
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Best Outdoor Gear/Winter Sports Shop:
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Best Piercing:
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Best Thrift:
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Best Local Gym:
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Best Local Boutique:
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Best Local Nonprofit:
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Best Haircut:
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Best Nail Salon:
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Best Tanning Salon:
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Best Hotel:
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Best Off-Campus Housing:
Best Rental Company:
Clear selection
Best Auto Garage
Best Place to Work as a Student
Best Place to Work as a Local Alum
Best Local Annual Event/Festival
Best Place to Go on a Date
Best Residence Hall:
Clear selection
Best Side of Campus:
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Best Student Club/Organization:
Best Place to Study on Campus:
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Best Professor:
*you must write their first name, last name, and department in order for your vote to be counted
Best Elective Class:
Best On-Campus Food:
Clear selection
Best Student Owned Business
Best Fraternity Organization
Best Sorority Organization
Best Academic Building
*please write their first and last name and social media handle if applicable (ex. John Doe, @johndoe)
Best Alumni Chapter:
Best Local Band/Performer
Best Local Visual Artist
Best App State Student Athlete
Best Tattoo Artist
Before you go, let us know who you are! *
Suggestions for Next Year?
That's all folks! Thank you for taking the time to vote for the Best of Boone!
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