VSA Returning Bigs Form 2022-2023(✿◠‿◠)
hello hello everyone!!! We hope everyone had a fun/safe summer! Since school is starting very soon, it's time for new VSA fams :))) If you want to rejoin VSA and be sorted into a fam for this year, fill out the form! If you have any questions, don't be afraid to reach out as well!

Note: PLEASE add us on facebook so you get notifs when you're put in your fam chat!
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Name (first and last) *
UVA Email (include @virginia.edu) *
Address and will you be on or off grounds? *
Year *
Major(s) *
Will you have a car this school year? *
If you are bringing a car, are you comfortable with driving littles/using it for VSA activities? *
How active do you think you will be in VSA this year? *
no <3
be ready to see me at every event :))))
Which family would you want to be in the MOST (names have not been finalized yet!) *
Which family would you want to be in the SECOND MOST (do not pick the same fam you mentioned earlier!) *
Which family would you want to be in the THIRD MOST (do not pick the same fam you mentioned earlier!) *
I understand that if I chose the same family for the previous three questions that I will be randomly placed into a family *
How large of a crowd are you comfortable in?
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Is there anyone (genbods) you want to be in a fam with ? *
Do you have any events you would like to see from us? 
ALL bigs please be sure to pay $10 membership dues through Venmo to @vsaatuva and put “VSA membership dues” in the note!! Thanks ~ ♪(・ω・)ノ
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drop yo venmo handle ;)
drop your facebook link! we need this to add you to the messenger groupchats! *
any questions/comments/concerns/criticisms/some heartfelt message ;-; *
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