How high is your mating intelligence?
This is a quiz designed to test your mating intelligence. To see how you ranked against other men answer every question and hit the submit button when you are done. Please answer honestly as you will only be hurting yourself if you don’t. Your results will be on the next page and a more detailed breakdown will be sent to your inbox and phone number provided.
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I think most women just like me as a friend *
1 point
I’m pretty good at knowing if a woman is attracted to me *
1 point
I have slept with many beautiful women. *
1 point
I'm definitely not the best at taking care of kids. *
1 point
I'm good at saying the right things to women I flirt with. *
1 point
I haven't had as many sexual partners compared with other guys I know (who are my age). *
1 point
I have a difficult time expressing complex ideas to others. *
1 point
I am good at picking up signals of interest from women. *
1 point
 I'm definitely near the top of the status totem pole in my social circles. *
1 point
I doubt that I'll ever be a huge financial success. *
1 point
If I wanted to, I could convince a woman that I'm really a prince from some little-known European country. *
1 point
Honestly, I don't get women at all! *
1 point
Women tend to flirt with me pretty regularly. *
1 point
If a woman doesn't seem interested in me, I figure she doesn't know what she's missing! *
1 point
Women definitely find me attractive. *
1 point
I've dated many intelligent women. *
1 point
People tell me that I have a great sense of humor. *
1 point
When I lie to women, I always get caught! *
1 point
 I am usually wrong about who is interested in me romantically. *
1 point
 It's hard for me to get women to see my virtues. *
1 point
At parties, I tend to tell stories that catch the attention of women. *
1 point
I'm not very talented in the arts. *
1 point
I can attract women, but they rarely end up interested in me sexually. *
1 point
When a woman smiles at me, I assume she's just being friendly. *
1 point
Click submit to see your scores (you will receive an email breaking down what your score means about you)
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