Winter Wonderland Skating RSVP
Please let the Abingdon PTA know how many Abingdon students and family members plan to attend and wish to skate so that we can appropriately plan.  This is a free event, but we will need a count of how many people are skating for capacity purposes. Based on numbers, we will be able to determine if families will be able to skate with their Abingdon students. Skaters will be provided with rental skates from the Pentagon Row Skate Rink. If you wish, please bring your own skates. Wear your Abingdon spirit gear or red and black to show your Abingdon spirit!
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Pentagon Row Ice Skating 1201 S. Joyce St. Arlington 22202
# of Abingdon Students planning to skate *
Name(s) of Student(s) Skating *
# of other family members that wish to skate *
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