Volunteer to Collect Signatures to Stop Infanticide in Massachusetts
Thank you! This is the official sign up form to volunteer to collect signatures to reverse the Roe Act's allowance of passive infanticide. The MA Alliance to Stop Taxpayer Funded Abortions is teaming with other organizations such as Massachusetts Citizens for Life, ReNew MA Coalition, MA Family Institute, and the MA GOP in order to successfully conduct this campaign. The name for this combination of groups is the Massachusetts Newborn Protection Coalition.

Per the requirements of the state constitution, the campaign will begin on or about September 10 and end on November 17. We have a goal of 120,000 signatures so that we can meet the requirement for 80,239 certified signatures.

We need your help, so please sign up by filling out the form below, and we'll be in touch with further details. Thank you!
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Volunteer to collect signatures to stop infanticide
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Do You have Prior Experience Collecting Signatures?
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Are You willing to serve as a Town or Legislative District Captain?
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Can You Collect Signatures at your Church?
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Can You Collect Signatures at Other Locations (Super Markets, Post Offices, etc)?
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