Ceasefire Protest for Palestine at All Congressional Offices in Minnesota. Date: Thursday, October 19th, 2023. 4-6pm Multiple Locations

Time: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PMLocations: Various Congressional Offices in Minnesota. Please go to the location you choose below and be there at 4pm.

Description: Join us for a powerful demonstration calling for an immediate ceasefire in Palestine. We are gathering at the congressional offices in Minnesota to raise our voices, advocate for peace, and urge our elected representatives to take action. Your participation can help make a real impact, and together, we can work towards a peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict.

How to Participate:

  1. Fill the form the below to sign up for the event:

  2. Share this event with friends, family, and on social media to maximize our collective impact.

  3. Bring signs and banners that convey the message of peace and the urgent need for a ceasefire in Palestine.

  4. Wear clothing that symbolizes your support for peace and solidarity with the people of Palestine.

  5. This is a peaceful protest, and we expect all participants to conduct themselves respectfully and lawfully.

    Protest will be live-streamed a long with each site on central location.

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Which location can you join the protest? Please choose one location and reminder we need more people in Greater MN locations! *
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