Nature Table School Garden Programme
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1. School Information
  • School Name
  • Location (Town, County)
  • School Level (e.g., Primary, Secondary)
2. Does your school currently have a garden?
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3. If yes, how would you describe the current state of the garden?
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4. If no, would your school be interested in starting a garden?
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5. Would your school be interested in participating in the Nature Table School Garden Programme focused on children and young people being actively involved in developing your school garden?
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6. What benefits do you foresee from participating in the Nature Table School Garden programme? (Select all that apply)
Other (please specify)
7. What do you consider the benefits of learning by doing in a garden environment for children and young people ? (Select all that apply)
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8. How important do you think it is to integrate gardening activities with other subjects such as geography, history, heritage, arts, social development, scientific, and social education?
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9. In which areas of the curriculum do you see have the potential for cross-curricular content development? (Check all that apply)
10. Would your school be interested in developing new garden ideas aimed at increasing biodiversity and sustainability (including food production)?
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11. Are there any specific ideas or concepts related to biodiversity and sustainability that you would like to explore through the Nature Table School Garden programme?
12. Would you see any benefit in using small DIY solar panels or windmills to run pond pumps, for example, in the school garden?
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13. Would you see any benefit in sensors which monitor pollinator activity, wildlife, temperature, and humidity, etc. being used in a school garden?
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14. Please share any additional thoughts, suggestions, or comments you have regarding this initiative:
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