ExoSAG22 Interdisciplinary Use Cases
The goal of Exoplanet Study Analysis Group (SAG) 22 is to identify key information for a target star archive for exoplanet science which will be used to both plan exoplanet missions and interpret the data. We are currently in the “information gathering” phase. Specifically, we are a subgroup focused on defining/categorizing the different interdisciplinary use cases that we could expect such an archive to serve.

Given your field of expertise, we would like you to answer some questions regarding how you might utilize data from the proposed archive, including data from upcoming missions, and which specific observables/properties would be necessary. The questions are purposely being left open-ended right now to have a better sense of the scope of work that could be supported by this archive. During a later “synthesis” phase, we may come back to you with more specifics to better refine the various science cases.

Examples: 1) If you had a population of potentially Earth-like planets, what kind of information would you need to study or characterize these planets?

2) Are there specific stellar or planetary system characteristics that would help prioritize targets for observation and/or lead to more robust individual-planet analysis?

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What are your stellar or planetary science questions? *
What stellar or planetary information will you need to interpret your data/models/output? Feel free to include primary and secondary use cases. *
What is ideal vs. threshold precision? *
What wavelength range might these observations cover? (If you don't know or are unsure please answer N/A.) *
How have you used stellar databases/information in the past? What was missing?
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